Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Cost of Dying: Funerals and Cemeteries

Presentation guideline:

We learned that both in Japan and the Philippines, there are many ways to remember the dead people in our lives. For many people, remembering the dead is a traditional part of life.

Ceremonies of remembering the dead often include extensive preparations, that are sometimes expensive. Also, cemeteries are likewise expensive to keep and maintain.

Some people believe that saying goodbye to dead loved ones should not cost so much money. Money is to be used for living people, not the dead. So, expensive funerals, and high cost of cemeteries are not practical.

However, some people believe that having lavish ceremonies for the dead is necessary, it is a way to say goodbye, and a way to show respect for the dead person. Cemeteries are needed, even if these are expensive, because there must be an official place where people can go and visit the remains of their dead loved one.

What about people who have no relatives, how will they be remembered? Will you be willing to pay for the funeral and a space in a cemetery for someone you don’t know? What do you think can be done for people like this?

What is your opinion about remembering the dead? Do some research, and give supporting facts about your opinion.

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