Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Spring 2019 Class Plan





Week 1

Class Discussion: About the Philippines

Orientation, general introduction about the class. 

Week 2

Class discussion

Week 3

The Importance of festivals

Using Powerpoint 

Class discussion
Plan a presentation
Week 4


Read and understand the blog entry:

Matsuri: The best summer festivals in Japan for 2019
Week 5

Summer Festivals in Japan

Participating in international



Topic: Opinion festivals

*35th Philippine International Festival in Nagoya at the Nagoya International Center
May 26, 2019 (Sunday)
Week 6

Watch video, and discuss in class
Handout about Festivals

Write a report
Week 7

Best Cities in the Philippines

Report Writing / Submission
Handout for Best Cities in the Philippines

Week 8

Talk about one city

Week 9

Current Events
Watch internaional news cites about the Philippines
(English or Japanese)
Choose an interesting news report about the Philippines.
Week 10



Discuss the manga
Week 11

Topics for final presentation
The Life of Jose Rizal

Planning the class presentation:

4-part documentary
Rizal's young life
Rizal's experience in travelling around the world
Rizal's life as a doctor
Rizal as a national hero of the Phiippnes

How to make a documentary
Week 12

Record the video:
use an iPhone or iPad, edit with iMovie if needed
Week 13

Prepare the documentary
Finalize documentary video, make sure everything is done.
Writing activity:
summary of documentary information
Week 14

Submit / Present final activity
Show video in class
Week 15

Consultation / Advice

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